Mission and Vision of NFTbase

3 min readFeb 20, 2021

Dreams without goal are just dreams.

Denzel Washington said this.

We believe that as a Dapp service for people all around the world, we need to have dreams with specific goals like Denzel Washington said. For us, our dreams and goals are “Mission” and “Vision”. Let us talk about it today.

Mission of NFTbase

NFTbase will to accelerate the advent of the world where human creativity is fully respected and everyone can enjoy the ownership of digital assets without the dependence on third parties.

What does NFTbase believe ?

We hope that people sympathize with our mission and its value that we believe it’s beneficial for the world and people.

1) We believe the value of human creativity

  • As the AI era comes and technology replaces people’s labor, the value of human’s creative activity will be more imperative than ever. NFTbase wants to accelerate the world where human’s creativity can be respected a lot economically and emotionally.
  • As a marketplace where people can sell their creative digital items, NFTbase will be a good way for artists, painters, writers, photographers, musicians to be paid for their valuable works.

2) We believe the value of pure ownership of digital items.

  • Being digital means we are not limited to physical limitations and digitized assets are accessible anytime, anywhere as long as you can access to the internet.
  • Moreover, the assets live forever except for blackswan cases such as the end of mankind, international wars etc,. Except for the radical cases when we lose access to the internet eternally, we can enjoy the value of digitized assets more than ever.

3) We believe the value of decentralization.

  • Blockchain technology helps us to have fully decentralized ownership of digital assets, because we do not have to depend on third party services.
  • We believe as time goes by, our digital independence and privacy will be more imperative. Blockchain technology can give us digital independence.
  • We believe at some point, NFTbase should be DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization) which gives power to people to make decisions, not monopolize the power and benefit of the NFTbase platform by ourselves.

4) We believe the value of helping others.

  • We believe that helping others should be the ultimate goal of every business and people. We will help people by giving them chances to earn money, to learn something new for a better life etc,.


  • We will be a platform which helps our contributors — painters, designers, creators, artists, photographers, investors — by giving them economic options and promoting their creative activities and free investment.
  • We will be an attractive brand where artists can visit without hesitation and enjoy their creative activities including selling digital items and interacting with people all around the world.
  • We will be a considerate platform where creators can be respected for their expressions and individual artistic characteristics.
  • We will be a broad marketplace where people can buy and sell or even create not only artworks but also music, photographs, game items, blockchain domains etc,.

Core value

Digital Independence

We believe that digital Independence imperative because it makes people free from third party in digital world

2. Accessibility

Being ubiquitous by using the internet and blockchain, making people enable to access and enjoy ownership of digital assets.

3. Pleasure

Being pleasure and maximizing happiness of ownership of digital asset without limitation of time and space in digital world

3. Public interest

We believe that being digital means being democratic and maximize people’s freedom and interest

4. Beauty

We believe that human creative activity naturally pursue beauty and people can enjoy the value by nature

5. Creativity

The most valuable human activity can be possible when people are free and creative

6. Decentralization

We pursue decentralization for freedom and digital independence and ultimately we will evolve to DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization) to make a better protocol economy.

You can find us here :)

Official Website: https://nftbase.ai

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BaseNFT

Official Telegram group: https://t.me/nftbase

Discord: https://discord.gg/DujYFjJXXP

Medium: https://nftbase.medium.com/

Github : https://github.com/nftbase




NFTbase is the DAO based marketplace and community where you can buy, sell and create valuable digital asset. We will make a better world for artists.