We will Donate 1% Of Revenue

2 min readMar 1, 2021


Donation 1% Of Revenue

NFTbase, as a NFT marketplace platform, we believe that we have to interact with painters, designers, photographers, musicians. They are called creators and artists.

We believe that a high level of art can be achieved only when the creators of the artwork are independent and free. To make better artworks, they have to be alone, deeply introspecting themselves. The independence makes them sometimes lonely and solitary. We understand it’s nature of artists and creators.

However, ironically when we look at artworks whose creators were agonizing to understand who they are, where they are from, how they can express themselves, we instinctively sympathize with their artworks. We call it sympathy and that’s why we are moved and touched when we face unexpected amazement of artworks.

While we face the pleasure, we recognize the fact that we sympathize with the artworks and its spirit because we also have same emotion and human nature in our mind. If an artist was successful to be popular in his career, then it means the artists expressed the universal emotion underlying everyone’s mind, and eventually it means that we’re all connected.

The feeling of connection with everyone, everything made us start NFTbase and we want to help other people. That’s why we decided to donate 1% of revenue.

Donation by Smart contract

We will donate to some organizations after we launch NFTbase. To make them clear and transparent, we will find a way to donate by utilizing the smart contract of Ethereum. We’ve not decided what organizations that we will donate yet. However, we hope that you sympathize with us and join us.

If you want to know more about us, here’s what we think

You can find us here :)

Official Website: https://nftbase.ai

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BaseNFT

Official Telegram group: https://t.me/nftbase

Discord: https://discord.gg/DujYFjJXXP

Medium: https://nftbase.medium.com/

Github : https://github.com/nftbase




NFTbase is the DAO based marketplace and community where you can buy, sell and create valuable digital asset. We will make a better world for artists.